Monday, February 11, 2013
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» OrGano Gold - The Coffee that Pays You!
OrGano Gold - The Coffee that Pays You!
“Coffee” Is Big business? Yes, coffee! You may be thinking to yourself, “I never expected a business where I could make money to be related to coffee” or “I figured I’d have to cut my arm off to get my own store.” Or, maybe you’re thinking like I was when I first heard about this. You may be thinking. “I’m not sure I get it. How much money can there really be in coffee?”
According to Wikipedia, “Coffee is the second-most-traded physical commodity in the world!” Considering the other commodities are oil, gold, silver, wheat, and corn; you get an idea of exactly the kind of popularity and demand coffee commands.
Ok, so know you know how much demand there is for coffee and you’re probably thinking, “Any business with that kind of potential is Going to Cost a Fortune to start”
Not with Organo Gold, unlike the traditional Coffee Stores, you will not have to cut an arm off or put up $200,000 to buy your own franchise.
With The Organo Gold there is no physical store. What we are talking about is a “virtual property” here. We’re talking about virtual stores hosted online and run from the home.
So now you know coffee offers you a solid chance to make huge incomes and this puts you in the middle of a 9 Billion dollar industry but you may be asking yourself, “what about the Coffee”…
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